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Roll Out Considerations/Questions

  1. Expectations for SMS Usage


User Authorization:

  • Discuss and clarify what teams will be authorized to use the SMS platform and receive a seat.

  • Establish a process for requesting additional seats if needed and who will cover the cost of additional seats.

  • Determine how seat usage will be tracked and managed. Each team is allocated two seats. 10 people can work out of one delegated email (seat).


Initial Rollout: Lindsey mentioned that Student Affairs will have access in addition to Recruitment. Can we limit initial access to Recruitment until we finalize the logistics?

  • Student Affairs and Recruitment can share a seat

  • Marketing will have its own additional capabilities.

  • In the first month, Recruitment will have access and then we can add Student Affairs a month later


Content Guidelines: Define what types of messages are appropriate and who will approve outgoing SMS content.

  • Set up in-person training and support documents.

  • Create boundaries on what they can or cannot do, such as using workflows. Marketing must do this.

  • Ask the colleges if they have a list of the SMS messages they want to send and when. This way, we can ensure they have a strategy and help build them in HubSpot.


Training and Support: Discuss how to provide training and ongoing support for GateWay staff during the transition.

  • How to create and send a message 

  • How to set up a list to send an SMS


Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed throughout the transition.

Best Practices:


Include a clear opt-out option on every message.


Review your SMS scheduling options. By default, HubSpot has quiet hour restrictions on SMS sending. You can only send SMS messages from 8 AM to 7:59 PM in contacts' local time zones.


Table of Contents


(info) About HubSpot SMS

HubSpot’s SMS feature can significantly enhance communication strategies across Maricopa Community Colleges, allowing teams to send critical updates and personalized messages at the right time. This tool can be especially effective in student recruitment, engagement, and retention efforts.

Each college has a monthly limit of 25,000 SMS segments, shared among Recruitment, Marketing, and Student Affairs. When sending SMS campaigns, messages are divided into segments, each charged individually, so understanding message segmentation is essential to managing costs. 


Additional SMS pricing is $15.00 for every 1,000 additional segments per month.


🗨️ SMS Segmentation

titleWhat is an SMS segment? Why SMS Segments Matter?

In SMS campaigns, messages are divided into segments, each incurring a charge. Each college has a shared monthly limit of 25,000 segments among the Recruitment, Marketing, and Student Affairs teams. If this limit is exceeded, the college is responsible for additional costs.

Phone carriers use segments to batch and bill text message deliveries. SMS (Short Messaging Service) restricts message length based on the encoding type:

  • GSM-7 Encoding: Supports up to 160 characters of basic text per segment.

  • UCS-2 Encoding: Allows up to 70 characters per segment when emojis or certain special characters are used.

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titleVariables That Impact SMS Segments
  1. Using emojis and certain characters outside the basic text character set (known as GSM-7, full list of characters here) will cause your segment character limit to change to 70.

  2. Using more than one segment will decrease the length of each segment. Messages with basic text will only decrease by 7 characters, and messages with emojis will decrease by 3 characters.

  3. When using a personalization token such as <name>, where the name length changes depending on the customer, the character count of the message will change accordingly.

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titleCalculating SMS Segments

SMS messages have a basic limit of 160 characters using GSM-7 encoding or 70 characters with UCS-2 encoding. When these limits are exceeded, phones can still send longer messages by breaking them into smaller segments.

Note: Replying to messages in the SMS Inbox does not count toward the segment total (messages sent).

Message 1 (GSM-7): 160 characters of basic text per segment.

Message 2 (UCS-2): 70 characters per segment when emojis or special characters are used.

  • Text: Good evening, <Name Personalization> from [Insert College Name]. Are you still interested in attending in the Spring? Classes are open for January and February start dates today! Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

  • Message Length: 207 characters

  • Calculation: 207 characters / 160 characters = 2 segments

  • Recipients: 500 contacts

  • Total Segments: 2 segments × 500 contacts = 1,000 segments

  • Text: Good evening, <Name Personalization> from [Insert College Name]. Are you still interested in attending in the Spring? 📙 Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

  • Message Length: 148 characters

  • Calculation: 148 characters / 70 characters = 3 segments

  • Recipients: 800 contacts

  • Total Segments: 3 segments × 800 contacts = 2,400 segments

Resource: Use an SMS Segment Calculator Resource to determine the exact segments for your messages based on encoding and message length.


🥇 Best Practices

Use a Compliant SMS Consent Process

Utilize opt-in terminology. Contacts can opt-in using the three words: START, UNSTOP, or SUBSCRIBE. Every SMS message must include a clear opt-out option. Prioritize giving your contacts the option to opt out of receiving messages.

Test, Monitor, and Analyze SMS Performance

Check delivery rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribes to monitor your SMS performance. Use these results to help you craft better text messages for future campaigns. Watch which texts achieve a high rate of clicks and which text messages cause unsubscribes, then tweak and test text messages to see what drives better results.

Coordinate Texts Around Emails and Social Media

Scheduling texts in conjunction with your email and social media posts is a solid way to make sure your messages are seen and stick in your customers’ minds. The more times someone sees a message, the more likely they are to take action.

Be Careful with SMS Segmentmetation


Track your college’s segment usage, with the SMS Segments Available by Business Unit Dashboard in HubSpot.


💻 Watch Our Video on SMS


Coming soon…


📄 Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating and Managing SMS

title1. Identify Your SMS Use Case

Effective planning is the key to achieving success with SMS marketing and outreach. As you prepare to launch an SMS campaign, it is essential to have a clear idea of your message's use case. When creating an SMS marketing campaign for a college, it’s essential to establish clear objectives. What are you expecting from your SMS marketing campaign? Increase event attendance? Increase student engagement? By setting clear goals, colleges can tailor their SMS campaigns to meet specific outcomes, ensuring a successful campaign.

Consider these common SMS Use Cases.



  • Registration Updates: Inform students about their class registration status, including waitlist updates or changes to their schedule.

  • Important Dates: Remind students of key dates, like the start of the semester, drop/add deadlines, and tuition payment deadlines.

  • Financial Aid Notifications: Provide updates on the status of financial aid applications, deadlines, or disbursement details.

  • Enrollment Campaigns: Encourage students to register for classes during specific enrollment periods or highlight late-start classes.

  • Event Announcements: Promote campus events, workshops, job fairs, or graduation ceremonies for student engagement.

  • Program announcements: Share news about new academic programs, certificate courses, or degree pathways.

Student Services


  • Advising Appointments: Remind students of their advising appointments or make it easy to schedule one via SMS.

  • Onboarding and Orientation: Guide new students through orientation and provide reminders about onboarding activities.

  • Campus Support Resources: Share information about support services, such as tutoring, career advising, or mental health resources.

  • Follow-up on Inquiries: Provide timely follow-ups for students who have inquired about programs, ensuring they feel supported throughout the enrollment process.

  • Re-enrollment Reminders: Encourage students who have paused their studies to re-enroll by highlighting upcoming deadlines and support options.

title2. Create an Attention-Grabbing SMS Campaign

Write Actionable SMS Copy

  • Know your character count. While HubSpot allows a 300-character limit SMS messages max out at 160 characters—if you exceed the 160 count, your text message will be sent as two separate texts. Get to the point quickly, and use links (and link shorteners) to fill out the details of your message.

  • Say hello! Send a welcome message to any new contact. Clearly state who you are and why you're messaging to provide valuable context.

  • Get to the point: By keeping messages brief, recipients can easily read and act on the information on smartphones, watches, and digital assistants like Siri.

  • Don’t overdo it: SMS is a high-cost communication channel. Reserve SMS for use cases that are deeply personalized and/or express urgency.

  • Be transparent: Consistently reintroduce your brand, purpose, and message frequency.

  • Opt out: Every message should include the option to opt-out.

  • Personalize your copy: Tailor SMS communication using personalization tokens to automatically insert relevant details like a student’s name, program interest, or other preferences, creating a more meaningful connection.

How to Use Personalization Tokens

  1. Add personalization to your message by clicking Personalize.

  2. Click the Type dropdown menu, then select the type of personalization token to insert.

  3. Click the Property dropdown menu to select which property value to pull into the message body.

  4. Enter a default value that can be used for any contact without a value populated for the property, then click Insert.

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For more details on how to use personalization tokens this, you can explore the Create and Send SMS Messages in HubSpot resource guide.

Good SMS Examples

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title3. Send a Test SMS Message

Testing SMS messages is crucial to ensure that the content such as personalization tokens display correctly, review for proper formatting and test that links in the SMS work. Testing helps you avoid errors and improve engagement. For more details, you can visit HubSpot's guide: Send Test SMS Messages.

  • Open the Editor: While drafting your SMS, go to the top right corner of the editor and click on Send test message.

  • Choose Recipients: In the right panel, click the Choose one or more numbers dropdown menu. Select phone numbers of team members who have added their number to HubSpot. If needed, you can enter a phone number manually by typing the full number including the country code.

title4. Configure Your Recipients

To configure your SMS recipients in HubSpot:

  1. Select Recipients

  2. Click the Send to dropdown menu.

    1. Choose the desired lists or individual contacts to add them to your recipient list.

  3. Ensure Contact Eligibility:

    1. Marketing Status: To receive SMS messages, contacts must be set as marketing contacts.

    2. Valid Phone Number: The contact's phone number should be properly formatted and valid. For U.S.-based numbers, this means starting with +1 and totaling 11 digits (e.g., +1-480-555-5555).

    3. Opt-In Consent: The contact must have opted in to receive SMS messages for the associated subscription type.

title5. Send or schedule your message

When you're ready to send or schedule your message, click the Send or Schedule tab.

  • Configure your recipients

    • Click the Send to dropdown menu and choose lists or individual contacts to include in your recipient list. Only contacts set as Marketing Contacts will be eligible to receive SMS messages.

Manually Set Contacts as Marketing:

  1. Go to your Contacts in HubSpot.

  2. Select the contacts you want to mark as "Marketing."

  3. Click the Actions dropdown and choose Set as marketing contacts

Automatically Set Contacts as Marketing Using Workflows

  1. Create a new workflow or use an existing one.

  2. Add an action to Set contact as a marketing contact within the workflow.

  3. This will automatically designate contacts as marketing contacts when they meet certain criteria, helping you streamline your marketing efforts.

  • Review your SMS scheduling options

By default, you can only send SMS messages from 8 a.m. to 7:59 p.m. in contacts' local time zones. This applies to individual SMS campaigns as well as sending an SMS message via a workflow. If you attempt to send or schedule a message outside of this period, HubSpot will defer sending your message until waking hours begin in the subscribers' timezone.

  • Send now: Your message will be sent immediately.

  • Schedule for later: You can schedule your SMS to be sent at a specific date and time.

Understand SMS quiet hours


✅ How to Manage and Reply to Marketing SMS Messages

titleAccess the Conversations Inbox and Viewing SMS Conversations

Access the Conversations Inbox

  1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to CRM > Inbox

  2. Select the dropdown menu next to Maricopa > Select Maricopa SMS Inbox

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  3. From there, you should be able to view your college inbox. All SMS replies will be found here.

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Viewing SMS Conversations

  • All SMS messages received from marketing campaigns will appear in the inbox. Each message will display details such as the sender’s phone number, contact information, and the content of the SMS. To better manage conversations, you can create custom views by filtering conversations based on specific criteria. For example, you can create views for unassigned conversations, high-priority inquiries, or messages from specific channels (like SMS).

To create a custom view for SMS messages:

  1. In the bottom left, click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Create a view.

  2. In the right panel, enter SMS for the view name, then click Next.

  3. In the Filter type section, select Conversations properties.

  4. In the search bar, search for and select Source.

  5. Click the “is any of dropdown menu”, then search for and select SMS.

  6. Click Apply filter, then click Create view.

The new view will appear below the other default inbox filters and views.

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titleReply to Messages and Track Conversations

Reply to Messages

  • When a contact replies to an SMS message you've sent via HubSpot—whether it was scheduled manually or sent through a workflow—their response will appear in the Conversations Inbox as a new conversation.

  • To reply:

    • Navigate to CRM > Inbox

    • Select the dropdown menu next to Maricopa > Select Maricopa SMS Inbox

    • Click on the SMS conversation to view the SMS message conversation history. This will show both your outgoing message and the contact's reply.

    • Review the contact's CRM data, which is readily available alongside the conversation. This helps respond in a personalized and informed manner.

    • Use the reply editor in the inbox to write and send a response. Ensure that the contact is still opted in to receive SMS messages before replying.

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Track Conversations

  • Keep track of message history and view previous interactions to offer personalized responses.

  • Please note: If you select the close a conversation option, the SMS conversation will be permanently removed, and you can no longer message that contact.

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For a detailed guide, see the full resource on HubSpot’s Knowledge Base: Use the Conversations Inbox.



For additional instructions on creating and managing SMS messages, view all HubSpot SMS articles.