Versions Compared


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We have created an awards report to help you manage your awards. This report is consists of a page (admin/reports/program/award) and a weekly email summary. This report tries It’s meant to provide several tools to help you understand the state of all the awards on your site.


Your college needs to identify someone to manage awards on your website. This involves reviewing a weekly email report of awards that may need to be published or deleted, and then logging into the website to actually publish or delete awards as neededrequired. Someone trained to do this , can generally complete this task in 5-10 minutes each week, with changes a dozen or so times a year. College web staff can do this themselves or get a subject matter expert at their college to do thisit. A specialized Curricular role is available for this purpose. If your college does not assign someone this responsibility, then you your website will likely have out-dated outdated award information on your website.

There are 3 main section to The top of the report . At the top there is a provides the current count of awards on your site and a time the last time the warehouse import awardsdate and time the report was updated. The report has three main sections: Immediate Fixes, Research, and Informational.

Immediate Fixes

This section’s sub-reports help to identify items that ‘most likely’ need some kind of report identifies awards that “most likely” need attention/action. An example is awards that are not published, but active in warehouse.


The sections in this report are explained below to help you analyze the awards listed in the Immediate Fixes section and possible resolutions.

  • Published Awards which are Disabled in Warehouse: #
    This section


  • helps identify awards that


  • should be deleted from your site. These awards are published on your site (publicly viewable),


  • but the warehouse has them marked as


  • disabled.


  • This usually means the award


  • is no longer available in Maricopa due to being past


  • its final term. Other possible reasons include


  • being put on a moratorium, placed on hold,


  • etc..

  • Unpublished Awards which are Disabled in Warehouse: #
    This section


  • helps identify awards that “most likely” should be deleted from your site. These awards are currently unpublished on your site, and the warehouse has them marked as


  • disabled.

  • Awards that have not synced with the warehouse in the past week: #
    This section


  • helps identify awards that may (or may not


  • ) need deletion from your site.


  • These awards were offered by your college at one time, else Awards listed in this section are also subject to ‘timing’ in the semester.

    • Your college once offered these awards, or they would not be on your site.

    • These awards have not been

    • recently updated with the daily update process because your college is not listed as offering the current

    • live version in the warehouse.

    These awards, with the version
    • The version of the awards on your site

    • might still be

    • valid options for students until the final term is

    • in the past (

    • for instance, in March/April, you might list awards

    that have
    • with a final term of Summer that year).

    • Each

    • award will require research to determine ‘when’ to remove it.

    There is a
    • The CCTA link to

    the CCTA website for
    • that specific

    awards to help determine ‘when’ to remove it
    • award will help with this.

    • Awards might be on this list for months, depending on the time of the year.

    Like it
    • It might first appear in March when the district switches to ‘selling’ the Fall version, and your college will not be offering it

    • the following year, but the last effective

    • term for your college is that Summer. Your college needs to determine when

    • you ‘stop’ selling it, which could be after Spring ends, or after July 1 because summer enrollment is over, or after Summer ends.

  • Unpublished Awards which are not Disabled in Warehouse: #
    This section is to help identify awards that


  • most likely should be published on your site. These awards are currently unpublished on your site, but the warehouse has them marked


  • that your college


  • offers them.


This section’s sub-reports help to The sections in this category help identify items that require some kinda of research. An example is awards without an FOI attached

  • Published Awards Without an FOI: #
    These awards are published but not associated with and displayed on a FOI page.


This section’s sub-reports The sections in this category help to identify items that should be monitored for future changes. An example is awards with final terms (meaning that as of now, it will be removed some time in the future),


A specific award might appear in several sections, as each report is looking for a specific condition.

  • Published Awards with End Terms: #
    These awards have final terms. This means the award will be removed sometime in the future.

    • If these awards are not being updated, then the final term might not be a correct value.