Customizing FOI Pages

This article is about how to customize field of interest pages on your college website.

See an example field of interest page (Login: Maricopa / Maricopa).


Customizing a Field of Interest Page

  • In the Admin Toolbar navigate to Content > Fields of Interest

  • Click Edit to the right of the field of interest in the Operations Links column

  • Follow the instructions below to add a College description as desired

  • Click the Save foi button


Adding a College Description

The College description field allows you to add custom content at the bottom of a Field of Interest page.

  • Under the text area change the Text format drop down to your desired HTML filter

A list of allowed HTML tags will appear under your Text format selection.

  • In the toolbar of the College description field, click the Source button

  • Enter your custom HTML in the College description text area

<h2>Cras Vulputate Viverra Lectus</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec sem eros. Quisque vitae ultrices velit. Morbi non diam et arcu tristique ornare eget nec enim. Vivamus ornare tincidunt nulla, vitae volutpat lectus facilisis quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc finibus sem in maximus aliquet.</p> <p>Donec dolor est, euismod non sem ac, imperdiet congue nisl. In venenatis auctor viverra. Duis nibh odio, tincidunt sed laoreet vel, varius id mi. Nullam molestie maximus leo, at auctor mi elementum at. In ipsum nibh, consectetur sed turpis vel, tristique fringilla nunc. Donec maximus tellus sed odio mollis efficitur. Donec fermentum nunc eu dolor laoreet, ac sodales lectus lacinia. Vestibulum convallis mauris pretium, rutrum lectus et, gravida nisi.</p>

You can adjust the height of the text area by dragging the triangle icon on the bottom right corner.

  • Click the Save foi button

  • Your customized section will appear at the bottom of the field of interest page