COVID-19 Alert
COVID-19 Alert
The COVID-19 alert appears as a box at the top of every page on your site. The COVID-19 alert is an alternative to the Maricopa Emergency Management Systems (MEMS) alert. The COVID-19 alert is less prominent than the MEMS alert and is better for on-going situations whereas the MEMS alert is better for short-term incidents.
Only enabled for Site Builder, Developer, and Webmaster Roles
Go to Structure > Blocks > Add Block
Under Block Description, enter a description such as COVID-19 Alert
Under Block Body, paste the following:
<div class="well well-sm">
<p><strong class="text-danger"><span class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"> </span> <small>CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE – CAMPUS CLOSED:</small></strong> In-person and hybrid classes are temporarily postponed and will convert to online instruction on Monday, Apr. 6, 2020, for the remainder of the Spring 2020 Semester. Current online classes will continue as scheduled. Students are encouraged to contact their instructors for any additional class information. <small><a href="https://www.maricopa.edu/coronavirus-2019-nCoV" target="_blank" title="Link opens in a new tab/window.">Maricopa Coronavirus Website</a> | <a href="https://www.getrave.com/login/maricopa-community" target="_blank" title="Link opens in a new tab/window.">Sign up for RAVE Alerts</a></small></p>
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Under Region Settings, select Alert
Under Visibility Settings > Pages, make sure all pages except those listed is selected
Select Save Block
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