Faculty Minimum Hiring Qualifications
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The Faculty Minimum Hiring Qualifications (FMHQ) site is built in Drupal. It consists of Custom Entities that include Subject, Faculty Service Area (FSA), Instructional Council (IC), and Qualification. In order to begin adding a qualification, you need to know which discipline this falls under, the IC and the FSA. Subjects are tied to the FSA.
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FMHQ Entities at a Glance
The main Qualification entity.
Data fields: Discipline
, Instructional Council
, Faculty Service Area
, either Academic Qualifications
, Occupational Qualifications
, or Occupational Clock Qualifications
paragraph bundles (based off of Discipline
selected), Additional Requirements
, Keywords
, and Search Description
Instructional Council (IC)
The Instructional Council references one to many Faculty Service Areas.
Data fields: Instructional Council
and Faculty Service Areas
Faculty Service Area (FSA)
The Faculty Service Area references one to many Subjects. The subjects that are added to the FSA determine if this is either an Academic or Occupational Discipline.
Data fields: Faculty Service Area
and Subjects
The Subjects are referenced by Faculty Service Areas and are categorized as either Academic or Occupational disciplines.
Data fields: Subject
, Description
, Discipline
, Effective
, and End Term
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