
There are 6 (six) options under the settings tab (General, Form, Submissions, Confirmation, Emails/Handlers, Access).


The General settings page allows a webform's administrative information, paths, behaviors, and third-party settings to be customized.


The form Settings page allows a webform's status, attributes, behaviors, labels, messages, wizard settings, and previews to be customized. Form General Settings

    • Form status applies to all instances of this webform. For example, if this webform s closed, all webform nodes and blocks will be closed

    • Form title display selects how the form's title is displayed when this webform is attached to a source entity. This title is only displayed when a webform is linked to form a source entity or opened in the dialog.

    • Form open message is to be displayed notifying the user that the webform is closed. The closed message will be displayed when a webform's status is closed or a submission limit is reached.

    • Form closed message is to be displayed notifying the user that the webform is closed. The closed message will be displayed when a webform's status is closed or a submission limit is reached.

    • Form exception message is to be displayed if the webform breaks.

Form Attributes

    • Form CSS classes allow you to apply classes to the element. Select 'custom…' to enter custom classes.

    • Form CSS style allows you to apply custom styles to the element.

    • Form custom attributes (YAML) are used to enter additional attributes to be added to the element.

Form Behaviors

    • Form

      • Display reset button, if clicked, users will be able to reset a form and restart multi-step wizards. Current drafts will be deleted when the form is reset.
      • Prevent duplicate submissions, if checked, the submit button will be disabled immediately after it is clicked.
    • Navigation

      • Disable the back button, If checked, users will not be allowed to navigate back to the form using the browser's back button.
      • Submit the previous page when the browser back button is clicked, If checked, the browser back button will submit the previous page and navigate back emulating the behavior of a user clicking a wizard or preview page's the back button.
      • Warn users about unsaved changes, If checked, users will be displayed a warning message when they navigate away from a form with unsaved changes.
    • Validation

      • Disable client-side validation, Autofocus the first element, if checked, the novalidate attribute, which disables client-side validation, will be added to this form.
      • Disable inline form errors, if checked, inline form errors will be disabled for this form.
      • Display required indicator, if checked, a required elements indicator will be added to this webform.
    • Elements

      • Autofocus the first element, if checked, the first visible and enabled form element will be focused when adding a new submission.
      • Disable autocompletion, if checked, the autocomplete attribute will be set to off, which disables autocompletion for all form elements.
      • Disable collapse/expand all details link is automatically added to all forms

    • Prepopulate

      • Allow all elements to be populated using query string parameters, if checked, all elements can be populated using query string parameters. For example, appending ?name=John+Smith to a webform's URL would set the 'name' element's default value to 'John Smith'. Please note that individual elements can also have pre-population enabled.
      • Allow source entity to be populated using query string parameters, if checked, source entity can be populated using query string parameters. For example, appending?source_entity_type=node&source_entity_id=1 to a webform's URL would set a submission's 'submitted to' value to 'node:1'.

Form Access Denied Settings

    • When a user is denied access to this webform, select what happens when a user is denied access to this webform. Go to submission settings to select what happens when a user is denied access to submissions.

Form Wizard Settings

    • Progress

      • Show wizard progress bar, if checked, a progress bar will display on the form.
      • Link to previous pages in the progress bar, if checked, previous pages will be a link in the progress bar.
      • Show wizard progress pages, if checked, the current page and total remaining pages will be displayed. (i.e. Page 1 of 10)
      • Show wizard progress percentage, if checked, the percentage of completed pages will be displayed. (i.e. 10%)
      • Link to previous pages in preview if checked, the preview page will include 'Edit' buttons for each previous page. This setting is only available when the 'Enable preview page' is enabled.
      • Update the wizard progress bar's pages based on conditions, if checked, the wizard's progress bar's pages will be hidden or shown based on each page's conditional logic.
    • Pages

      • Include the confirmation bar's progress based on conditions, if checked, the confirmation page will be included in the progress bar.
    • Label

      • Wizard start label, the first-page label in the progress bar. Subsequent pages are titled by their wizard page title. Defaults to: Start
      • Wizard end label, the confirmation page label's in the progress bar. Defaults to: Complete
      • Wizard previous page button label, this is used for the previous page button within a wizard. Defaults to: < Previous
      • Wizard next page button label, this is used for the next page button within a wizard. Defaults to: Next >
    • Tracking

      • Tracking wizard progress in the URL by, progress tracking allows analytic software to capture a multi-step form's progress.

Form Preview Settings

    • Enable preview page, Add a page for previewing the webform before submitting.


The Submissions settings page allows a submission's labels, behaviors, limits, and draft settings to be customized.
Submission General Settings

  • Submission label, defaults to: [webform_submission:submitted-to]: Submission #[webform_submission:serial]

  • Submission exception message, a message to be displayed if submission handling breaks. Defaults to: Unable to process this submission. Please contact the site administrator. Enter [none] to hide this message.

  • Submission locked message, a message to be displayed if the submission is locked. Defaults to: This submission has been locked. Enter [none] to hide this message.

  • Previous submission message, a message to be displayed when there is previous submission. Defaults to: You have already submitted this webform. <a href="#">View your previous submission</a>. Enter [none] to hide this message.

  • Previous submissions message, a message to be displayed when there are previous submissions. Defaults to: You have already submitted this webform. <a href="#">View your previous submissions</a>. Enter [none] to hide this message.

  • Next submission number, The value of the next submission number. This is usually 1 when you start and will go up with each webform submission.

  • Disable next submission message, If checked the next number will be automatically set to the internal submission id.

Included Submission Values, if you wish to include only parts of the submission when viewing as HTML, table, or plain text, select the elements that should be included, please note, element-specific access controls are still applied to displayed elements.
Submission Behaviors

  • Confidential submissions, confidential submissions have no recorded IP address and must be submitted while logged out.
  • Convert anonymous user drafts and submissions to authenticated users, if checked, drafts and submissions created by an anonymous user will be reassigned to their user account when they login.
  • Show the notification about previous submissions, show the previous submissions notification that appears when users have previously submitted this form.
  • Disable the tracking of user IP address, user IP address tracking is disabled for all webforms.
  • Log submission events, if checked, events will be logged for submissions to this webform.
  • Allow users to customize the submission results table, if checked, users can customize the submission results table for this webform.

    Submission User Settings

  • Allow users to duplicate previous submissions, if checked, users will be able to duplicate their previous submissions.

Submission user columns, below columns, are displayed to users who can view previous submissions and/or pending drafts.

Submission Access Token Settings

  • Allow users to view a submission using a secure token, if checked users will be able to view a submission using the webform submission's URL appended with the submission's (secure) token. The 'tokenized' URL to view a submission will be available when viewing a submission's information and can be inserted into an email using the [webform_submission:token-view-url] token.
  • Allow users to update a submission using a secure token, if checked users will be able to update a submission using the webform's URL appended with the submission's (secure) token. The 'tokenized' URL to update a submission will be available when viewing a submission's information and can be inserted into an email using the [webform_submission:token-update-url] token. Only webforms that are open to new submissions can be updated using the secure token.
  • Allow users to delete a submission using a secure token, if checked users will be able to delete a submission using the webform's URL appended with the submission's (secure) token. The 'tokenized' URL to delete a submission will be available when viewing a submission's information and can be inserted into an email using the [webform_submission:token-delete-url] token. Only webforms that are open to new submissions can be deleted using the secure token.

    Submission Access Denied Settings

  • When a user is denied access to a submission, Select what happens when a user is denied access to submission. Go to form settings to select what happens when a user is denied access to a webform.

Submission Limit Settings

  • Toal submissions
  • Per user, limit the number of submissions per user, a user is identified by their user ID if logged-in, or by their cookie if anonymous.

    Submission Purge Settings

    Submission Draft Settings

    Submission Autofill Settings

    Submission View Settings
    To expose your webform elements to your webform submission views. Please install the Webform Views Integration module.

  • View / Name / Title VIEW / NAME / TITLE
    • View: A webform submission embed display. The selected view should also include contextual filters. {WEBFORM_ID}/{SOURCE_ENTITY_TYPE}/{SOURCE_ENTITY_ID}/{ACCOUNT_ID}/{IN_DRAFT}
    • Name: The name to be displayed in the URL when there are multiple submission views available
    • Options: The title to be displayed in the dropdown menu when there are multiple submissions views available.

  • Apply to webform, display the selected view on the below paths
    • User drafts: /WEBFORM/{WEBFORM}/DRAFTS.


The Confirmation settings page allows the submission confirmation type, message, and URL to be customized.

Confirmation Type

Confirmation URL

  • Exclude query string from confirmation URL, if checked, all query string parameters will be removed from the Confirmation URL.
  • Exclude token from confirmation URL, if checked, to submissions token will be removed from the Confirmation URL and the [webform_submission] tokens will not be available within the confirmation message.
  • Browse available tokens, you may use tokens to pass query string parameters. Make sure all tokens include the urlencode suffix. (i.e. [webform_submission:values:email:urlencode])

Confirmation Settings

  • Confirmation title, page title to be shown upon successful submission.
  • Confirmation message, message to be shown upon successful submission. Defaults to: New submission added to [webform:title]. Enter [none] to hide this message.

Confirmation Attributes

  • Confirmation CSS classes, Apply classes to the element. Select 'custom…' to enter custom classes.
  • Confirmation CSS style, Apply custom styles to the element.
  • Confirmation custom attributes (YAML), Enter additional attributes to be added the element.

Confirmation Back Link

  • Confirmation back link label, defaults to: Back to form

  • Confirmation Back Link Attributes
    • Confirmation back link CSS classes, apply classes to the link. Select 'custom…' to enter custom classes.
    • Confirmation back link CSS style, apply custom styles to the link.
    • Confirmation back link custom attributes (YAML), enter additional attributes to be added the link.


The Emails/Handlers page allows additional actions and behaviors to be processed when a webform or submission is created, updated, or deleted. Handlers are used to route submitted data to external applications and send notifications and confirmation.
Watch this video on how to send emails.


The access settings page allows an administrator to determine who can administer a webform and/or create, update, delete and purge webform submissions.