File Types

File Types

Concerns about excel files (even docs, power-points, etc):

  • accessibility concerns, most people don't format their documents with accessibility in mind (unsure of how accessibility excel, docs, even pdfs? are without formatted metadata)

  • users need third-party products to use these files in a meaningful way

  • usually editable which means security concern or concern to prove document is valid / possibility of tampering with document

here is some more research about documents on web: https://www.doi.gov/employees/drupal/pdfs-when-and-when-not

"Microsoft Office Formats

Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Files should be avoided on external websites. The Web visitor may not have the required Microsoft product or viewer to open the file.

  •  If you must post a file in one of these formats, it is recommended that a compliant HTML version be created to provide compliance (or PDF if it meets criteria above) and alternative access to the information.

  • If the Microsoft file would only be used by readers in this native format (and not HTML), it can be made 508 compliant. Keep in mind that screen readers, such as Jaws, often do not navigate correctly and this may be more difficult for readers. The files should be tagged and an accommodation request should be created if needed.