Managing Program Pages
Programs are pushed to your website from a central repository that house all the programs for the district. Your college’s only responsibility is to be the final gatekeeper for what programs get published and deleted from your website.
Identifying Programs for Publication or Deletion
Your college needs to identify someone to manage programs on your website. This involves reviewing a weekly email report of programs that may need to be published or deleted, and then logging into the website to actually publish or delete programs as needed. Someone trained to do this, can generally complete this task in a few minutes, a few times a year. College web staff can do this themselves or get a subject matter expert at their college to do this.
The report has three sections:
Unpublished programs that are ready to be published - review the list, address any errors or omissions, and follow the steps outlined below for publishing programs and/or deleting programs
Published programs that are disabled in the warehouse - review the list, validate that each program is ready for deletion, and follow the steps outlined below for deleting programs
Non-warehouse programs with empty descriptions - review the list of non-warehouse programs that are missing descriptions and make necessary adjustments
You can also review this report at anytime on your website.
Go to Reports > Program Status > Programs
You can quickly edit individual programs by clicking on an program name in the report. This will take you to a page where you can edit, delete, or update the individual program.
For support in fixing program issues, contact the District Web Team via Slack or
Publishing Programs
Go to Content > Programs
Under the Published filter, select No and then click Apply to see the list of unpublished programs
From this list, check the checkbox to the left of each program you want to publish
Under the Operations filter, select Publish program and then click Execute
Deleting Programs
Go to Content > Programs
Search by title, or filter by publication status to find the program you want to delete
Check the checkbox to the left of each program you want to delete
Under the Operations filter, select Delete and then click Execute
Updating Programs Data
Any program updates made in the central repository get pushed to your website on Wednesday and Saturday mornings between 3-5am. However, if you know changes have recently been made to an program that are not yet appearing on your site, you may want to do a manual update.
Go to Content > Programs
Search by title, or filter by publication status to find the program you want to update
Check the checkbox to the left of each program you want to update
Under the Operations filter, select Update Program