Program Pages

Program Pages

A program is an area of study in which students can specialize in. Most programs lead to one or more degrees or certificates (also known as pathways). Examples: Construction Trades, Education, Dance, Chemistry, Storytelling, or Spanish. Other programs are designed as collections of courses and/or experiences that do not lead to a degree or certificate. Examples: Lifetime Fitness, Teacher Preparation, Honors, etc.

Program pages on the web have four main components: a Program Overview, a list of degrees and certificates within that Program, a Paragraph Builder field (similar to the landing page one) and a customizable sidebar and the paragraph builder. Learn more about each section below.

See an example Program page (login: Maricopa / Maricopa).

There are two types of programs. The first one is the most common and these are the programs that come from the Academic Warehouse. The other type is referred to as a ‘custom’ program. See custom program for more info.

Program Overview

The program overview is a 1-2 paragraph, keyword rich description of each program to help drive prospective students to these pages. Program overviews are fed into Colleges websites and www.maricopa.edu from a central repository maintained by District ITS, District Marketing, and the Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation.

Program overviews are meant to be general in nature as they are shared across all Maricopa Community Colleges offering this program.

District Marketing collaborated with the Pathway Mapping team and district-wide Instructional Councils to develop the program overviews. Each Spring, District Marketing will facilitate an annual review of program overviews by these parties. If you believe changes are required in between annual reviews, use the Request to Create/Update a Program Page on the Web form to submit your changes for review. If other Colleges have the same program, it is recommended that you propose the changes to the appropriate Instructional Council before submitting them through the form.

List of Degrees and Certificates

The list of degrees and certificates are fed into Colleges websites and www.maricopa.edu from a central repository maintained by District ITS, District Marketing, and the Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation.

To report an issue, please send an email to dl-web-pathways@domail.maricopa.edu, and your college web staff so that we can review and troubleshoot as necessary.

Paragraph Builder

The paragraph builder that is used on landing pages is also available on program pages. The field will render in the ‘feature bottom’ section of the page, rendering below the ‘content/sidebar’ area, and will be full width.
For how to build paragraphs, see: Paragraph Bundles

Customizable Sidebar

The left sidebar is where you can put functional information about your programs such as the following:

  • Contact information

  • Accreditation documentation

  • Links

  • Files

Your college also has the option to leave the sidebar blank. If you do, only the Apply Now button will show.

Adding Files to the Left Sidebar

  • Select Browse or Choose File and locate your file on your computer

Only files with the following extensions are allowed: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, and zip.

  • Click Upload

  • In the Label field, enter the text to be displayed as the download link.

  • Click the Save program button 

Adding Buttons to the Left Sidebar

  • Under Blocks, enter a Title

  • In the Link field enter the URL for the button.

  • Click Add another item to add another button or accordion

  • Click the Save program button 

Adding Accordions to the Left Sidebar

  • Under Blocks, enter a Title and Body for the accordion

  • Set the On page load state to Closed or Open to indicate whether you want the accordion to be expanded or collapsed when the page is first opened

  • Click Add another item to add another button or accordion

  • Click the Save program button

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