Tabs (Tab Set)
A tab is a clickable area at the top of a window that shows another page or area.
See an example of this content type
Adding a Tab Set
From the paragraph builder select the button labeled Add Tab Set
Enter the heading for the Tab Set in the Tab Set Title field.
Select whether the Title should be aligned left or centered. The default is hidden.
Select a Theme color for this Tab Set.
Options include Maricopa Blue, the College Primary theme, as well as Light and Dark options.
Add an individual Tab with the Tab Builder.
Adding an Individual Tab
From the tab builder select the button labeled Add Individual Tab
Enter the label for the Tab in the Tab Label field.
This is the top link to activate this tab, it is limited to 25 characters.
Select a Background Image for the tab and use the file uploader to upload the image.
5 MB limit.
Specify the Horizontal Position as a percentage.
Enter your heading in the Title field.
Add your content to the Body field
If you would like a CTA button, use this CTA Button field to add a URL and Link Text