Term News Block

The Term News Block Embed is a block that can be placed on a page to display news of a selected News Category.


News by Category Block

The News by Category block is a custom block that displays news articles from a selected news category. The News by Category block relies on the Term News Block Embed module to provide functionality. The News by Category block can be placed as a custom PB block on a basic page, landing page, or by directly placing a Term News Block Embed block in a region.

News by Category blocks have three layout display styles to choose from: full width list with thumbnail images, 3 cards or 4 cards.

See Example: https://drupal.maricopa.edu/example-pages/term-news-block


Place a Term News Block Embed with the Paragraph Builder

There are two steps required to place the Term News Block on a page.

  1. Create a custom block.

  2. Place the custom block on a Basic or Landing page.

Create a News by Category Custom Block

  • Navigate to Structure > Block layout > Add custom block

  • Select the > News by Category option

  • A Block description will auto generate with the pattern News by Category - News Category - Display Style. This will help you find it later with the Custom Block paragraph bundle.

  • Select the News Category to display

  • Select the Display Style for the News listing, see the Display Styles section below for details on each one

  • If you do not want a “View All news_category News” button to appear mark the Disable View All News Button checkbox

  • Select the Save button

Place a News by Category Custom Block

  • Edit a Basic or Landing Page

  • Select the Add Custom Block paragraph type button

  • Enter a Title

  • Select your Title Option, use Visually Hidden if you do not want a title to display

  • Select the Block with the Block description for your News by Category custom block

  • If a Horizontal border is desired, change the field to an option other than - None -

  • Select the Save button

Edit a News by Category Custom Block

  • Navigate to Structure > Block layout > Custom block library

  • Select the Block type filter and set it to News by Category

  • Select the Apply button

  • Locate your desired custom block and select the Edit button in the operations column

Delete a News by Category Custom Block

  • Remove or replace the News by category block on the Basic and Landing Pages it is being used on

  • Go to Structure > Block layout > Custom block library

  • Select the Block type filter and set it to News by Category

  • Select the Apply button

  • Locate the doomed custom block and select the button on the right side of the Edit button

  • Select Delete

  • On the confirmation screen, select the Delete button to proceed, otherwise click the Cancel button

Directly placing a Term News Block Embed in a region

  • Navigate to Structure > Block layout

  • Find the Featured Bottom region and click the Place block button next to it

  • Click the Place block button next to Term News Block Embed

  • Edit the Title

  • Select the News Category to display

  • Select the Display Style for the News listing, see the Display Styles section below for details on each one

  • If you do not want a “View All news_category News” button to appear mark the Disable View All News Button checkbox

  • Update the Visibility settings to get the block to appear on desired pages

Use Pages to add block to specific pages. Only use Path (Include and Exclude) if you are going to need to exclude as well.

  • If necessary, update Region

  • Click Save block

  • Review your site to make sure your new block is appearing only on the intended pages.

Layout Display Styles

Full Horizontal Width

Use with Landing and Basic pages in the Content Bottom or Featured Bottom regions.

Three Cards Wide

Use with Landing pages in the in the Content Bottom or Featured Bottom region or Basic pages in the Featured Bottom region.

Four Cards Wide

Use with Landing pages in the in the Content Bottom or Featured Bottom region or Basic pages in the Featured Bottom region.

Updating or Deleting a Directly Embedded Term News Block

Follow the instructions in the articles below: