Frontpage (Homepage) Quick Links
Frontpage Quick Links are links to the most important – and often highest-trafficked – student pages and tools on your website. This is a list of links with icons (note: icons are preset for most links).
Frontpage Quick Links are set in a template file in each College’s theme. For support in updating this file, contact the District Web Team via Slack or
To update this file yourself, use the local development set-up included in the Bitbucket repo to pull and update the following template file: templates/page/page--front.tpl.php.
The recommended quick links are: Canvas, Events Calendar, Financial Aid, Find a Class, and My.Maricopa. If you need additional quick links, submit a District Office Marketing request to
We recommend a maximum of eight (8) Quick Links. Be mindful of the length of the Quick Links as compared to the length of the Frontpage Promos, since these are next to each other on the page.