Footer Menu

The footer menu lives at the bottom of your website – sitewide – and consists of links, social icons, and an athletics logo.

See an example of a Footer Menu


Creating Footer Menu Links

  • Go to Structure > Menus > Footer

  • Select Add Link

  • Provide a Menu Link Title

The Title you provide here will display in the footer as-is.

  • Provide the Path where you would like this link to point

If linking internally to your college’s Drupal site, the path should be url/child-page/etc (do not include, for example).

  • Click Save

  • In the Footer list of links, reorder your link using

  • Click Save again once reordered


Adding Footer Social Icons

Social icons are set in a template file in each College’s theme. For support in updating this file, contact the District Web Team via Slack or

To update this file yourself, use the local development set-up included in the Bitbucket repo to pull and update the following template file: templates/system/global-footer.tpl.php.

Social icons use Font Awesome icons. The default icons are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Flickr.


Adding Footer Athletics Logo

The athletics logo is set in a template file in each College’s theme. For support in updating this file, contact the District Web Team via Slack or

To update this file yourself, use the local development set-up included in the Bitbucket repo to pull and update the following template file: templates/system/global-footer.tpl.php.

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