Mega Menu
A Mega Menu is a drop-down menu that expands upon a mouse-over event. The mega menu is populated horizontally from left to right with a maximum of three columns. The mega menu is built using the Secondary Menu (Main) feature. Follow the Secondary Menu (Main) Knowledge Base article to manually add the links you would like to see in the Mega Menu on your site. The order of the links in the secondary menu dictates the placement in the mega menu. Adjust the hierarchy to get the links in the desired column. For a live example, visit the Drupal Common Framework website.
Contact the ITS Web Team via Slack or to add a mega menu to your site. Only one mega menu can be enabled.
Creating a Mega Menu Link
Go to Structure > Menus > Secondary Menu
Select Add Link
Provide a Menu Link Title
Provide a Path for the menu item
Enter a Description that displays on mouse over
Check the Enabled checkbox
Check the Show as Expanded checkbox
If you are creating a root level menu item, set the Parent link to <Secondary menu>
If you are creating a sub link, set the Parent link to the root level menu item
Click Save
Arranging the Mega Menu Hierarchy
Go to Structure > Menus > Secondary Menu
Click and drag the Maltese cross icon for the menu item to the desired spot
Click Save Configuration
Removing a Mega Menu Link
Go to Structure > Menus > Secondary Menu
Click the Delete link under the Operations column