Board Operations - Agenda
This guide will walk you through the process of adding Governing Board meeting agendas which will automatically be displayed on Board Operations → Current Agenda.
Creating an Agenda
Navigate to Content > Add Content > Board Operations - Agenda
Fill out the relevant fields
Board Book(s) is PDF only
Agenda Date is a required field; Clicking on the calendar icon on the right side of the field generates a dynamic popup calendar.
Saving the New Agenda
The following field should be in the right sidebar of the form:
Enter a relevant message in Revision log message
The default for all content on District is to be saved as unpublished. However, as a Content Manager you are permitted to check the Publishing status box at the bottom of the form so that your new Agenda will be automatically published when you save the form.
Click on Save at the bottom of the form.
The published agenda with the newest Agenda Date will automatically be displayed on Board Operations -> Current Agenda.
All published agendas are displayed on Board Operations -> Past Agendas in a six-wide HTML grid separated by year.