OPS - Red Line
This guide contains step-by-step instructions on adding Red Line documents that track changes to Administrative Regulations.
Creating a Red Line Document
Navigate to Content > Add Content > OPS - Red Line
Red Line is PDF only - use this field to upload the main document
The Name field is where you will enter the name of the document
The Explanatory Documents section is where you will upload all documents that explain the changes in the main (Red Line) document. You can add as many documents as you need.
Red Line and Name fields are required.
Saving the Red Line Document
The following fields should be in the right sidebar of the form:
Enter a relevant message in Revision log message
Scheduling Options for Publishing
Under Scheduling Options you can set a date and time for the content to be published automatically using Publish on.
Enter a time and date in Unpublish on for the content to be automatically unpublished.
Click on Save at the bottom of the form.
Standard Publishing
Make sure Publishing Status is checked at the bottom of the form if you are ready to publish the new content.
Click Save.