MEMS Alert

MEMS stands for Maricopa Emergency Management System. The MEMS role in the Common Framework can publish a MEMS alert that appear at the top of each page site-wide. There are three settings of alerts, from low-level events like a campus closure to higher-level events like a campus emergency.


Publishing an Alert

  • From the admin toolbar, click MEMS Alert Settings

The admin toolbar is the black bar across the top of your screen

  • Select a Severity of Low, Medium, or High from the drop-down list

The severity level will determine the background color of the alert:

  • Low = Blue

  • Medium = Orange

  • High = Red

  • In the Content field, add the emergency message that you want to appear site-wide

  • To publish your message, check the Enabled checkbox at the top of the page

  • Click Save configuration

  • Verify that the alert is showing on your site as desired

You can only publish one alert on your site at a time.

Updating an Existing Alert

  • Follow the same steps above for Publishing an Alert

  • In the Admin Toolbar, mouse over the Home icon and click the Flush all Caches menu option

Un-publishing an Alert

  • From the admin toolbar, click MEMS Alert Settings

  • To un-publish your message, un-check the Enabled checkbox at the top of the page

  • Click Save configuration

  • Verify that the alert is no longer showing on your site

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