The most common content type you will use across your site is the Page. Pages fall under both sections and subsections and carry highly specific content.
For instance, if you have a section entitled About, you may want to highlight how your college interacts with the community. Since you would want to list specific community-related initiatives and events, a Page is the perfect place to do this.
See an example of this content type
Creating a Page
Go to Content > Create Content > Page
Add page Title
Select a Section
The banner image from the assigned section or subsection will automatically carry over to every page assigned to that section.
If you would like to customize the banner image for a particular page, click the browse/choose file button, select an image and click the upload button in the Banner Image section
Your banner image must be exactly 1600x225 px.
Add your content to the Body field
See below about optional fields
You will see a field named: Page URL
The value in this field is what will build the url for this page. It will auto-populate with the page title by default. If you would like use something different (like faq instead of frequently asked questions), this is where you make that change.
Prepositions like “to” and “of” will be dropped from the URL structure. All letters will be lowercase and all punctuation/spaces will be removed.
In the Menu Settings section, select Provide a Menu Link
Enter the Menu Link Title
Provide a Description of the page (this is important for search engine optimization and for ADA compliance)
Assign the page to the main section of the site it will appear under, called the Parent Item
Click Save to publish your content
Adding an Image to a Page
In the Images section, select Browse or Choose File under Add a New File
Locate your file where you have saved it on your computer, and click Upload
You must provide Alternative text and a Title for your image
Adding a File to a Page
In the Downloads section, select Browse or Choose File under Add a New File
Locate your file where you have saved it on your computer, and click Upload
You can provide a Description for your file
Adding a Video to a Page
In the Video section, paste the URL of the video you would like to include in the Video URL field
If you’d like to include a video description, add this to the Description field