Contact Info
The Contact Info content type is a block that appears on Basic Pages in the left-hand sidebar below the navigation menu. Multiple contact info paragraphs can be added and the order they appear can be arranged as desired. Only a single Contact Info needs to be created for a section. These blocks are used to provide college-specific contact information, usually for student services departments such as Financial Aid or Admissions.
See an example of this content type
Go to Content > Add content > Contact Info
Assign the Contact Info block to a Section
The Section is related to an already-established taxonomy term. Your block will only appear on the Basic page associated with that taxonomy term.
Add the Contact’s name
Add the Campus
Add the Campus Link
Enter the contact’s office location in the Location field (e.g., building name, building abbreviation, room number, etc.)
Add the Location Link
Enter a Maricopa Community College email address in the Email field
This should be a group and distribution list type of address ( It is NOT recommended to use personal Maricopa Community Colleges email address.
Enter the contact’s phone number in the Phone field
If applicable, also add a Fax number for the contact
Add the contact’s or office’s Fall and Spring Hours and Summer Hours in their respective body fields
If you need to provide additional content, add this to the Other field
To add another individuals contact info to the section, click the Add Contact button near the bottom and repeat the above steps
Click Save
Locate and Edit Contact Info for a section
Navigate to the content overview page by clicking on Content in the Admin Toolbar
Alternatively, you can manually navigate here using the path/admin/conent
Select Contact Info in the Content type filter
Select the Section you a looking for
Click the Filter button
Click the Edit button in the Operations column
Make edits
Click Save
Rearrange the order of the Contact Info paragraphs
Click the Collapse all button
Click and drag the cross icons vertically to achieve your desired order
Click the Save button
Add styling to the Contact Info blocks
Using the browser, right select the Contact Info block in question and click Inspect.
To update the CSS yourself, use the local development set-up included in your College Theme repo to pull and update the following SCSS file: web/themes/custom/your_theme/scss/components/_style.scss.
Look for the ci-delta-# parent class under the Elements tab (using the inspector tool) and look for the desired Contact Info block.
Use that CSS class to target and style the desired area on the form. For example, the below code is applying a margin bottom of 1rem below the fax number field.
.ci-delta-1 .fax { margin-bottom: 1rem; }